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Latest Updates
Bug Fixes:
- Shrines no longer disconnect players when trying to use them
- Market now properly removes expired items from market on login
- Auto attacks no longer get "stuck" when out of mana
- Fixed expanding inventory/bank charging more than it should
- Paladin's "Divine Challenge" now requires skill points
- Reflect can no longer be blocked
- Fixed Marksman's "Exploding Shot" dealing 1 damage
- Training weapons charges are now depleting correctly
Features and Improvements:
- Optimization improvements
- You can now resize all UIs and adjust opacity individually
- New Character Creation screen
- Thalric tasks now groups mobs. (Goblin Rangers count as Goblins, and can no longer get Goblin Ranger Task. Etc.)
- Added options to reset default visuals and hotkeys
- Added a way to tell if an item has a treasure enchant
- Paladin has been renamed to Knight
- Lowered party bonus exp per member from 25% to 15%
Spell reworks:
- Removed "Area Heal"
- Removed "Virtual Shield"
- Removed "Sharper Attacks"
- Added "Radiant Heal"
- Added "Primary Enhancement"
- Added "Disruptive Shield"
- "Vitality Infusion" regeneration per level lowered by 25%
- "Vitality Infusion" Base Level increase from 5 to 15
- "Lethal Injection" DoT is now nature damage
- "Lethal Injection" base mana cost increased from 5 to 10
- "Lethal Injection" mana cost per level increased from 5 to 10
- "Firebolt" now applies a burn effect
- "Conjure Sword Swipe" now scales 100% more with magic level
- "Wild Strike" now applies a bleed effect
Bug Fixes:
- Attack speed shows correctly when identifying
- Elemental penetrations/resistances now show when identifying
- Health bars no longer show on minimap
- Priests were not looting shields at the correct rate
- Trying to smith a pickaxe, ring, or amulet without legendary scrap will no longer disconnect you
Features and Improvements:
- Small UI changes
- Settings can now be adjusted from the login screen
- Treasure enchantments no longer count toward enchant level
- Treasure enchantments cannot be disenchanted
- Added icons to the minimap All equipment can now be upgraded!
- Upgraded equipment can be downgraded and gives back 75% of the resources
- You can now link items in chat by typing *x. Replace x with inventory slot number
- You can now type to players locally by using /L
- Commands are now run with just / instead of /command (/online, /boost)
- There is now a Global PvP message in chat. PK wisely
- You can now increase the size of your inventory and bank with coins (gold option coming soon)
New Content:
- Added Thalric!
- Added 5 new outfits!
- Added Quivers!
- Added Battle List!
- Lowered amount of potion drops from all non-boss monsters
- Slightly adjusted some level requirements of low level quests
- Increased gold bonus enchant roll
- Common daggers no longer have critical chance
- Legendary Daggers now have critical damage
- Skills no longer automatically walk to the target if they are out of range
- Exp share in party is now calculated based on level
- Speed bonus from enchantments has been lowered by 25%
- Increased Priest's "Smite" base damage by 25%
- Decreased Priest's "Divine Radiance" cooldown from 3 seconds to 2 seconds
- All ammo besides base ammo is no longer obtainable. This is a temporary change
- Paladin's "Reflect" now does a max damage of incoming damage x reflect damage
- The collector has been removed in favor of Thalric's collect tasks
- Critical Damage against players reduced by 25%
- Potions cooldown increased from 1s to 2s
- Minor Restore cooldown increased from 1s to 2s
- Slightly lowered all heal spell calculations
- Mana potion recovery increased by 50%
Bug Fixes:
- UI Tooltip now correctly shows all enchants (IE fixed dodge showing as block chance, etc)
- Enchanting an item now requires level + enchanting level to be higher than item level
- Fixed a bug that caused players to occasionally die multiple times.
- Fixed a couple incorrect enchantments on specific gear
- Fixed a bug that caused bonus shielding level on items not to count toward certain formulas
- Fixed certain bosses not spawning monsters
- Ranged monsters now drop arrows and bolts
- Angel spawn scroll level requirement has been fixed and now requires level 180
Features and Improvements:
- Small QoL UI changes (should improve performance/fps slightly)
- Monsters will now teleport back to their original location if lured more than 100 tiles away
- You can no longer swap equipment while dismantling or enchanting
- Active Buff icons now show remaining times
- Enchanted items now have a suffix based on highest enchant(s)
- Coralhaven vendors now sell level 50 gear
- Stage 2 monster's quests can now only be obtained and turned in at coralhaven
New Content:
- Elemental damage!
- New Equipment item, Runes! Use these magical rocks to gain resistance to the elements
- Upgrade your runes at the anvil using ores
- Added Gold, Pixilium, and Gem ores!
- Added a new Dwarf General spawn and expanded regular dwarves
- Increased ammo smithing from 500 to 2500 per operation
- Centaur spawn now includes Centaur Warriors
- Increased drop rate of dungeon keys from bosses
- Treasure enchants now roll twice on legendary gear (2x chance of pulling a treasure enchant)
- Paladin's "Reflect" buff initial reflect chance lowered from 20% to 15%
- Paladin's "Reflect" buff per level reflect chance lowered from 5% to 4%
- Critical Damage roll values from enchantments have been lowered by 40%
- Mining will only ever give 1 ore/gem at a time
- Angel scroll now has a cooldown of 10 minutes
Spell reworks:
- Removed "Instant Strike"
- Removed "Fireball"
- Added "Conjure Projectile" 40% physical, 60% arcane damage
- Added "Conjure Sword Swipe" 60% physical, 40% arcane damage
- Added "Firebolt" 100% fire damage
- Added "Ice Spike" 100% ice damage, slow effect
- Added "Lightning Strike" 100% lightning damage, can crit
- "Mana Barrier" mana cost per level increased from 50 to 100
- "Arcane Blast" initial damage increased from 20 to 60
- "Arcane Blast" damage per level increased from 4 to 12
- "Arcane Blast" mana level scaling slightly decreased
- "Arcane Blast" initial mana cost increased from 50 to 75
- "Arcane Blast" mana cost per level increased from 20 to 50
- "Combustion" initial damage increased from 70 to 200
- "Combustion" damage per level increased from 20 to 40
- "Combustion" mana level scaling slightly decreased
- "Combustion" initial mana cost increased from 350 to 500
- "Combustion" mana cost per level increased from 100 to 200
- "Smite" is now 100% holy damage
- "Divine Radiance" is now 50% holy damage and 50% arcane damage
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that started some players in stage 2.
- Block Damage will never give less than 1 damage anymore.
Features and Improvements:
- Minor chat UI changes.
- Enchanting level now affects enchant values.
- Backend stuff to improve performance.
New Content:
- Added Centaur raid.
- Increased the base speed of players from 2.5 to 3.
- Speed is now capped at 10.
- Increased all monsters' defense to align better with their attack.
- Reworked reflect calculations.
- Lowered the level variance of all monsters.
- Increased the speed of most monsters (Now based on level).
- Tank monsters now give 1.2x experience.
- Monsters above level 200 had their stats increased slightly.
- Shielding now takes more exp to level for all classes (There will be retroactive adjustments, so you may lose some shielding levels).
- There is now a limit on how much Shielding Exp you can gain in a second. Set to 150 exp or 15 attacks per second.
- Magic Level for Priests and Wizards have been adjusted so it's easier to get early levels and harder later.
- Paladin's "Reflect" buff reflect chance reduced from 40% to 20%.
- Reduced the amount of fragments gained from removing enchants.
- Block Reduction is now less effective against higher-level enemies.